The preschool offers 4 classes (with a maximum of 15 children per class).**

Our Philosophy

Glenora Preschool aims to be a fun and happy place for your child. We want your child to be comfortable here and we want you, the parents, to be comfortable with the school, too. The primary focus of the preschool’s program is to develop strong socialization skills while utilizing a “learn through play” philosophy. We believe that children develop a desire to learn when they have a positive self-concept and are constantly encouraged and praised.

Because of the teacher/adult ratio (2 teachers and 1 parent volunteer for 15 children), the teachers are given an excellent opportunity to really get to know your child and what their needs are. The teachers are able to guide your child to an area of play that best suits their learning needs. The program is designed to balance physical and intellectual needs with your child’s social and emotional needs.

Classes and Tuition

3 Year Old Morning Program

  • Runs from 9:00 – 11:30AM on Tuesday and Thursday
  • $70/month*

3/4 Year Old Blended Afternoon Program**

  • Runs from 1:00 – 3:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday
  • $70/month*

4 Year Old Morning Program

  • Runs from 9:00 – 11:30 AM on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • $140/month*

4 Year Old Afternoon Program**

  • Runs from 1:00 – 3:30 PM on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • $140/month*

* Current tuition reflected above is $100 cheaper than normal tuition prices due to the Government Subsidies. This subsidy can change at any time, and prices will increase by $100 per month immediately.

** Class availability subject to enrolment and teacher availability.

Fees subject to change. A Non-Refundable registration fee of $105 and an acknowledgement that $250 will be charged if parent duties have not been met will be agreed upon within the registration process. Tuition includes the total cost of all field trips. Tuition is automatically withdrawn through our online registration system based on how you choose to pay. (One lump sum, a payment in September and January, or on a monthly basis.)

Being a cooperative school, parents volunteer for a special day in their child’s class every 5 to 7 weeks. They assist the teachers, bring a snack and spend special time with their child. Parents also choose a job (from the job selection list). Everyone’s contributions help make the preschool the success that it is! Most importantly, we believe that the cooperation between parents and teachers in reinforcing common goals, hopes and caring is an unbeatable combination!


To be eligible for preschool your child must be 3 years old by December 31st of the school year and must be toilet trained by the first day of school. If your child turns 3 between September and December, monthly tuition fees must be paid to the Preschool in order to hold your child’s position in the class and your child may not start preschool until they are 3 years old.

Parent Duties

As a parent operated cooperative preschool, all families are required to participate in the school in the following ways:

  1. Help in the classroom every 5-7 weeks on your child’s “special day” by attending with your child, helping teachers and cleaning the classroom.
  2. Be responsible for a job that helps with the overall running of the preschool (eg. doing laundry, contacting other parents to remind them of up-coming events, fundraising committee, etc. See the Job Selection list on the Registration page)
  3. Attend two General Meetings (one can be attended by a Proxy if needed).
  4. Help by attending cleaning bees that are held several times throughout the year. A group of about 5-6 parents go through and clean/disinfect all the toys, surfaces, puzzles, games, etc. in the preschool classroom. Usually 1-2 are assigned each year.
  5. Contribute to the fundraising activities throughout the year, including the annual spring Pub Night.
  6. Families must hold a community league membership for the school year and submit to the Community League Rep on the Preschool Committee at the first General Meeting. Community league memberships run from September to August and can be purchased through the community league or City of Edmonton (www.efcl.org)

Everyone’s contributions help make the preschool the success that it is! Most importantly, we believe that the cooperation between parents and teachers in reinforcing common goals, hopes and caring is an unbeatable combination!

Get in Touch


Monday – Friday 9am – 11:30am

Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed


Address 10426 136 Street, Edmonton, Alberta

Office 780-452-0120

Email theglenorapreschool@gmail.com