Register your child at Glenora Preschool today, using our online registration tool.
Glenora Preschool registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open at 9:00 am on the dates as listed below:
Returning families: February 10 – 16.
Legacy families: February 17 – March 1.
New families: March 2 and beyond.
Please refer to the Registration Hierarchy document below for more information. Registration closes December 31st of each school year, or as soon as the class is full. Please join our wait list if your preferred class is full.
For more information on registration, please contact us at or
3 AM Tues/Thurs
$70 Monthly*
9:00 am – 11:30 am
Child must be 3 years old by December 31st of the school year. (Child cannot begin until they are 3 years old.)
15 Students
2 Teachers
2025/2026 School Year
4 AM Mon/Wed/Fri
$140 Monthly*
9:00 am – 11:30 am
Child must be 4 years old by December 31st of the school year.
15 Students
2 Teachers
2025/2026 School Year
3/4 PM Split Tues/Thurs
$70 Monthly*
1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
This class is for 3 and 4 year olds. Child must be at least 3 years old by December 31st of the school year. (Child cannot begin until they are 3 years old.)*PLEASE NOTE — depending on enrolment, this class may not run. Please sign up on our waitlist and we will notify you if we are able to proceed. *
15 Students
2 Teachers
2025/2026 School Year
Is the class you’re looking to register in full?
Sign up on our waitlist today and you will be contacted if a spot becomes available.
Meanwhile, you may also register in another class should it fit your schedule.
2025/2026 School Year
A Non-Refundable registration fee of $105 will be charged upon registration.
Please have your child’s Alberta Health Care Card and Birth Certificate ready as required for registration.
If you have any questions or for more information, please contact us at
*Current tuition reflected above is $100 cheaper than normal tuition prices due to the Government Subsidies. This subsidy can change at any time, and prices will increase by $100 per month immediately.
Get in Touch
Monday – Friday 9am – 11:30am
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Address 10426 136 Street, Edmonton, Alberta
Office 780-452-0120